
put out 的相关例句:
31. If a shop assistant told him she had not heard of it, he would pretend to be considerably put out .
32. Far water does not put out near fire.
33. Put out that troublesome boy.
34. They put out the light.
35. She put out her hand in welcome.
36. put out the dustbins, the empty milk bottles, etc
把垃圾箱, 空奶瓶等放到外面去
37. put out ashtrays, bowls of peanuts
摆出烟灰缸, 盛有花生的碗
38. put out clean towels for a guest
39. put out a candle, cigarette, pipe
把蜡烛, 香烟, 烟斗熄灭
40. put out the lamp, light, gas fire
关灯, 熄灯, 关掉煤气取暖器

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